Saturday 30 January 2016

Oh Bam.. Arg

I was shown this several years ago and did broadcast then. Today i saw this video recommended by YouTube on my page and I'm sharing. 

Yes if Christians pray then we can have a slight delay and a little more time to give the lost direction. However let me ask.. "WHY would a bride seek for further delay from her Groom?"

Yahusha Ha Mashiach You Are King and I bless You. Let Thy will be done. Amen.

Thursday 28 January 2016


There are two major types of people on Earth...

1. Those who are given to know the mysteries of the Kingdom... 

2. Those who are not given to know the mysteries of the Kingdom. (Matthew 13:11)

Now read and know where you belong. 

Straight from the heart of a child

God is a Spirit  God is Holy  God is the Holy Spirit  

 The Holy Spirit impregnated Mary to provide Himself with a body to dwell in and reconcile His creation with Himself. The Holy Spirit is the Father of the child.  

The Holy Spirit who is the Father of spirits became the Son of man so that men will have the opportunity to become sons of God. This is the revelation of Jesus Christ the Son who actually is the Father in the human body.  

God is One Person... the Holy Spirit who revealed Himself on Earth as Yahusha Ha Mashiach Jesus Christ  and was killed for blasphemy because the Jews could not understand that their great YAHUA - Elohim when He came visiting would come as a mere carpenter.  This was God teaching us humility.  

The confusion of three persons (TRINITY) is rooted in Matthew 28:19 where our Lord Jesus Christ spoke in His usual way of parables of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost in one sentence. He spoke to His now matured disciples and Peter caught the revelation of the NAME of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost in Acts 2:38   

I hope you catch it too. 

Man is not made up of three elements but two. 

 Genesis 2: 7 And the Lord God formed man  of the  dust of the ground, and breathed into his  nostrils the breath of life; and man  became a living soul.   

 So here we see dust (body) + breath of Life (spirit) = living SOUL.  

 The Soul is the finished product that is why we need to resurrect. We the complete being of body and spirit are souls and in our patience we possess it unto immortality.  

 Jesus Christ the beginning of the creation of God is the first born of the new creation.   His body through Mary and the fullness of the Godhead who was, who is, who is to come... the Holy Spirit God Almighty named Yâhusha Hâmâshiâch whom all gentiles know and call Jesus (Saviour) Christ (Anointed Holy Spirit).  

 Just note that the Holy Bible is His Story containing historical facts and prophecies all wrapped up in one massive parable in need of Revelation from the Father who is Christ in us our hope of glory.   

 No wonder Isaiah exclaimed in 45:15  "Verily thou  art a God that hidest  thyself, O God of Israel, the Saviour." This is why we need to ask, seek, and knock.   

 I wish everyone well in this final lap of this marathon race that has gone on for six days + extra time. 

 One love.. Shalom.

Wednesday 27 January 2016


This is coming upon the world. If you take this you're eternally doomed. The choice is yours

Let's enjoy ourselves with scriptures for in this do i delight. 

I would love us to diligently compare Psalm 49 and Revelation 13 and establish the fact that we are dealing with money, wealth, and trade. It is the mark of an honored man complete in body and senses with an average or above IQ and yet has no understanding of the way of God. 

Psalm 49:20 Man  that is in honour, and  understandeth not, is like the beasts that  perish.

Such a person has not utilized his God given time on Earth to seek God's Kingdom and Righteousness but has rather used it to acquire worldly education and skills to prop up himself to serve mammon at a higher level for better pay. 

This MARK is that FINAL EXAM set to determine whom we serve.. God or Money.

The 666 mark has to do with trading which is the very core of our human existence on Earth. Everybody buys and everybody sells. 

We either sell products or ourselves (services). Remember Hannah's prayer? ".... those that are full have sold themselves for bread..."

The microchip replaces cash transaction and steals your independence making you a slave to computer technology for your day to day transactions. The real reason for this is to have Godlike knowledge and control of all humans thereby enabling Lucifer to be omnipotent and exalted above all.

Next step is for the full incarnation of the man of sin by the head fallen angel that old serpent who will be branded the savior of the world and yet he is the ANTICHRIST. 

A counterfeit of the original Yâhusha Hâ Mâshiâch Jesus Christ  who died approximately 2000 + years ago and is set to come after the short display of this abominable counterfeit whom the world will accept and love until he bares his fangs.

The microchip is his tool of omnipotence and anyone, i repeat ANYONE who accepts, receives, follows after this system which will be highly beneficial to its users will be cut off from Yâhusha Hâ Mâshiâch popularly known as Jesus Christ forever... FOREVER. Revelation 14:9-12

I have no reason to lie, so please just prepare for a time of suffering that He will cut short in righteousness for His elects sake.

Please also read the article below and see if you reason like the journalist. 

I assure you that the benefits of taking the mark far outweighs the suffering of not accepting it in the short-term. 

I also assure you that the benefits of not accepting the mark far outweighs the temporal benefits of acceptance in the long term. 

It's better for you to die of hunger, ridiculed and killed than to take this into your body and adulterate the Temple God Who is the Holy Spirit named Yahusha Ha Mashiach Jesus Christ under Heaven. 

Prepare for your real future which begins the very day you die.

Shalom Boanerges Mephibosheth

This journalist embraces the change and even got her very own RFID chip before heading back to the National Report’s home offices. The surgery was quick, simple and more or less painless. I can barely tell I’ve been implanted at all. A sacrifice I’ve gladly made for my country’s national security and hope you will too. - See more at: